This site is about the Good the Bad and the Ugly of South Carolina (and U.S. Empire) politics. The Good are the freedom lovers who stand up for your right to be left alone by government. The Bad are the state lovers who want to take what you have and give it to their friends (and themselves) and who think it's perfectly OK to put you behind bars for any ole thing that they personally find objectionable. The Ugly are, you know, just Ugly.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Steve Isom, District 1
1423 Jessamine St., Cayce, SC 29033

Telephone: 796-9832

Yesterday I talked to Steve Isom who is on the Cayce City Council.

Steve Isom believes in TRNSPARENCY in government.

Steve Isom believes in SMALL GOVERNMENT.

Steve Isom knows that Cayce should not try to micromanage its development.

He knows that whether smoking is allowed on privately owned property (regardless of whether it used for business purposes or not) is a PROPERTY RIGHTS issue and therefore, the owner has the sole right to allow or disallow it. No government has any right interfering in this matter.

Steve Isom is one of the GOOD.
