This site is about the Good the Bad and the Ugly of South Carolina (and U.S. Empire) politics. The Good are the freedom lovers who stand up for your right to be left alone by government. The Bad are the state lovers who want to take what you have and give it to their friends (and themselves) and who think it's perfectly OK to put you behind bars for any ole thing that they personally find objectionable. The Ugly are, you know, just Ugly.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

South Carolina S.424 Sovereignty Bill Cosponsors are True Patriots

On February 12 2009, bill S. 424 was introduced during the118th Session of the South Carolina General Assembly, by freedom-fighter Senators Lee Bright, Shane Martin, Thomas Alexander, Paul Campbell, Michael Fair, Jake Knotts, Ronnie Cromer, "Mick" Mulvaney, Danny Verdin, Larry Martin, Phillip Shoopman, Michael Rose, Glenn McConnell, David Thomas, Raymond Cleary, John Courson, Creighton Coleman, Tom Davis, Glenn Reese, Kevin Bryant and "Chip" Campsen, "Larry" Grooms, William O'Dell, Harvey Peeler.

These are the patriotic South Carolina men who are standing up to the corrupt Washington regime.

These South Carolina Senators cosponsored the Sovereignty bill demanding that the federal government return to its legitimate functions.

a person who exhibits great wisdom and ability in directing the affairs of a government or in dealing with important public issues.

In presenting this bill to the South Carolina Senate these men showed themselves to be much more than merely politicians. At this moment they exhibit the quality of principle when it is most needed.

1 comment:

  1. I fear that some of those Senators are trying to save their jobs.... They aren't freedom fighters, Your words are way too generous. Some of them voted to go home before it passed. Some of them even voted against cloture, which would hv allowed a dem filibuster..... Here is the list of those who need to explain themselves...
    Thomas Alexander
    Paul Campbell
    John Courson
    Ronnie Cromer
    Wes Hayes
    Jakie Knotts
    Hugh Leatherman
    Glenn McConnell
    Billy O’Dell
    Greg Ryberg

